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The iPhone 6 will be the first iPhone indestructible?

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en: The iPhone 6 will be the first iPhone indestructible?

iPhone 6 The iPhone 6 will be there the first iPhone indestructible?

Who has never broken or at least damaged the window of his smartphone? Certainly very few of us !
However, if mobile phone manufacturers could not for the moment we offer shells and screen film to protect our smartphones , things could change and with Apple's next iPhone : iPhone 6!

iPhone 6: big order Sapphire

Indeed , the U.S. news site specializing in Apple 9to5Mac reports that GT Advanced, a U.S. subcontractors Apple would have bought enough sapphire glass to fit between 100 and 200 million iPhone , which therefore suggests an early arrival on the smartphones of the brand. However, the main feature of this material is its high resistance to shocks and scratches , as to scratch it is necessary to use a crystal of the same quality or diamond . In other words , here we have a much better resistance than Gorrilla Glass glasses today equip a majority of smartphones on the market . This command therefore suggests the arrival of Sapphire Glass screens on future iPhone , which would become the same scratch-resistant and unbreakable shot!

This information also tells us indirectly that Apple has chosen to no longer operate its screens from Samsung and LG , with whom he is in direct competition , but rather to provide what is GT Advanced, an American company with which the firm Cupertino has an agreement last year , marking a historic shift in the history of iPhone.

Of course Apple refuses to comment and preserves as always total secrecy about future products . No release date is announced for this so mobile, but the latest rumors heralded arrival in the distribution before the summer.


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